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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Blogger Jump Breaks increase blog traffic and PageRank

Using Jump Breaks in your Blogger posts can help benefit your blog by several different means. The first reason is that people that view posts on a blog do not read in the same way as people who are reading a book for enjoyment. Due to the huge amount of content available on the web, most people will quickly skim through the titles and initial paragraphs of the posts to see if the type and quality of content you are posting will fit what they are looking for. If you do not quickly convince them that your blog has good content to offer them, they will go back to the search results and skim other sites until they find what they are wanting. Being able to fit more titles and topics on the main page in a smaller space is of huge value to allow new potential readers to see what types of subjects you cover quickly and easily.

Creating Blogger Jumpbreaks

The most important factor to using Jump Breaks is being aware that you need to write content which will engage the interest of the reader and state the overall purpose of the entire article within the first paragraph. Blogger Jump Breaks should display the smallest amount of text possible and still achieve this goal. Unless a post is extremely short in nature and is no more than two very short paragraphs, a Jump Break will almost always be of benefit. Jump Breaks can increase your blog traffic and PageRank, and will also usually make your blog pages load much faster.

SEO for Blog titles, Website titles, and Post titles

Something of huge importance to keep foremost in your mind when making new titles is that Google will only allow a maximum of 70 characters to display in or count towards Search results. These 70 characters are a combined count of both your website/blog title and then your post title put together. Any remaining characters that exceed 70 will be ignored. Learning to make effective titles is a huge factor for Search Engine Optimization because you must take these 70 characters, less however many your site title uses; and still be able to get a concise title that explains your content and has good keyword usage with the remaining space. Google search is not like Twitter, and these keywords cannot be abbreviated or skimped on with any good results. By default, your website or blog title will come first in the character count before your post titles, unless you force it to do otherwise by adding code. This is a key reason why I always try to keep the titles of blogs and websites as short as possible while still trying to be to the point and relevant to the topic.

How website structure impacts PageRank

Many website and blog builders are only familiar with and concerned about the final number which Google displays to other users as their PageRank. This can be a big problem because if you don’t truly understand the basics of how something works it is really hard to make the most out of using it. Every page that resides on your site has a PR “point” value as long as at least one other page links in to it and it is important to be able to get the most out of those points. How many of these PR points your site is worth is a combination of factors including how many pages your site has, what links are pointing into and out of them, and how they are structured and linked together internally. Large sites can accumulate hundreds of thousands or more PR points to distribute, and each one matters. The way your website or blog is built and linked can make a huge difference in your final point values.

Google Pagerank Tips

The purpose of this posting is to get into all the little nitpicky details that can affect PageRank which must be addressed and considered once you have mastered the basics of how to structure your website or blog, and how to use links properly. These tips are the icing on the cake which is your basic plan of accumulating Google PageRank points. This article assumes that you already have a good understanding of what Google PageRank points are and how they work. If you have not already done so, we highly recommend that you read the article How website structure impacts Google PageRank first.

Meta Tagging for Blogger

As much as I love using Blogger, it is not always the most search engine friendly system going. You can vastly improve the results you get through the search engines by manually adding in meta tags into your Blogger template. Meta tags are bits of data that provide information to the search engines about the types of content on your blog. In order to create meta tags, you should first make sure you understand how to create good keywords for the overall theme of your blog. Once you know how you would like to tag your main page, go to Layout-> Edit Html and then click the box that says "expand widgets". Select all, and copy this into notepad. Use the find feature to locate the following entry in the code:

Blogging to increase traffic for businesses

Blogs can be very powerful assets for people promoting businesses online. They are free to use, very easy to create, and seriously under-utilized. Most people will automatically assume they need a website when they could in fact possibly have used a blog to better effect. See Websites Vs. Blogs for more info on the benefits and downsides of each. Additionally a lot of people that do need and are using coded websites will forego attaching a blog or forum to their site when they should in fact do so. There are numerous ways that this will help increase your business that many people don’t stop to consider.